Innovation and sustainability in Europe’s agriculture and bioeconomy in 2024
2024 has been a breakthrough for innovation and sustainability in the European agri-food sector. From disruptive technologies to initiatives that seek to revolutionise the bioeconomy, 2024 has positioned itself as a turning point for the countryside. Spain, as the agricultural leader in southern Europe, has not been left behind.The revolution in agriculture and its drive towards sustainabilityThe digital era has taken over the agricultural sector, and 2024 is the year when precision agriculture reaches a new level. Tools such as advanced sensors, drones and IoT (Internet of Things) systems, which not only monitor the weather and soil, but also predict [...]
The Importance Of Healthy Soils
Healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable food systems and are critical for plant growth, water filtration, greenhouse gas regulation and habitat for a variety of species. Soils also play an important role in mitigating the impacts of climate change by sequestering carbon and reducing the risk of flooding and erosion. Globally, soils are the earth's largest terrestrial carbon pool, host more than 25% of all biodiversity and provide 95-99% of food for 8 billion people[1]. In addition, healthy soils are essential for people's well-being, providing clean water and air, supporting cultural heritage and landscapes, and contributing to local economies. [...]
European funding for 2024 in agri-food and bioeconomy
The year 2024 brings with it new opportunities to finance and boost competitiveness in the agri-food and bioeconomy sector, which have a very important role to play in achieving green and social goals in Europe. The European Commission makes available to citizens and companies several financial instruments and mechanisms to work, both individually and collaboratively, to improve the sustainability and efficiency of the agri-food production system. Support for research and innovation On the one hand, if we talk about research and innovation in agri-food and bioeconomy, Horizon Europe stands out as the largest source of public funding in the European [...]
EXPOBIOMASA Releases Videos Of Its Presentations: MainstreamBIO Opens The Round of Innovative Projects
On 9 May, Expobiomasa, the largest biomass recovery fair in Europe, hosted the workshop Inspiring practices for innovating with biomass, where INNOVARUM presented the MainstreamBIO project, which focused on the promotion of small-scale bioeconomy solutions in rural areas. The workshop, organised by AVEBIOM and open to more than 12,000 professionals from 40 countries attending the fair, included presentations of 20 projects on innovation in the bioeconomy and biomass technologies, highlighting areas for the creation of synergies. The day included several spaces reserved for networking, with the aim of establishing an environment to create significant synergies between all the participating projects. [...]
The 21st of April Workshop Organised By Innovarum In Lleida Supports Circular Bioeconomy Of The Ebro Valley
More than 50 key agents from La Rioja, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia have met to discuss and set a milestone in inter-territorial collaboration to promote local actions to boost the use of agricultural, livestock and forestry waste and resources. Everything starts from a reality that is as simple as it is overwhelming: the Ebro Valley is one of the geographical areas of Spain with the greatest agricultural and livestock activity, accounting for 30% of agricultural land and 30% of meat production, while at the same time, it has important forestry resources. We are talking about millions of tonnes of [...]
Small scale projects are boosting the bioeconomy: MainstreamBIO and BioRural
Since the publication of the European Bioeconomy Strategy in 2012, the deployment of the bioeconomy in Europe has been remarkable. The capacity of large biorefineries to achieve significant economic growth, creating large numbers of jobs while contributing to environmental sustainability, is visible in the implementation of large demonstration projects at European level. For example, in BBI JU (Bio-Industries Joint Undertaking) flagship projects, such as First2Run, LIGNOFLAG or FARMŸNG . However, to date, small-scale projects and biorefineries have been repeatedly overlooked, even though they hold great potential to provide great benefits at the rural level, on farms and smallholdings - [...]