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About the Author: Innovarum

Content produced by the Innovarum Team with inputs from different team members.

Opportunities in Horizon Europe (HE)

Horizon Europe (HE) is the EU’s main research and innovation programme for the period 2021-2027. The programme aims to fight climate change and support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while promoting the EU’s competitiveness and growth. It is allocated a total budget of €95.5 billion.

The development of the bioeconomy is one of HE’s key priorities, with several funding opportunities tackling this area. The most relevant ones are described below:

Beyond Horizon Europe – LIFE Programme

The LIFE programme, created in 1992, is the EU’s funding instrument for climate, environmental, and biodiversity challenges. Its last edition, LIFE 2021-2027, was officially announced in April 2021 (R EU 2021/783) and launched in July 2021.

The LIFE Programme structure is divided in 4 subprogrammes:

  • Nature and Biodiversity
  • Circular Economy and Quality of Life
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Clean Energy Transition

Bioeconomy-related solutions and best practices are included in the Circular economy and quality of life subprogramme. In the 2022 call (€98 million budget, deadline October 4, 2022), the submitted solutions could be related to any of the following areas: Circular Economy and Waste; Circular Economy and Environment; Soil; Air; Noise; Chemicals; Water; Governance and New Bauhaus.

LIFE Programme Standard Action Projects (SAP) have a co-financing rate of 60% max and a typical duration of 3-5 years (maximum 10 years). Grants usually range between €0.7 – 6 million per project.

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