Advanced monitoring solution to prevent losses and assure full transparency along the cold chain


Project Description

Many fresh food products (fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat, frozen products) and pharmaceuticals require continuous refrigeration during transport in order to guarantee their safety and quality and to preserve their self-life. Thus, they are shipped through cold chains in which it is of utmost importance to maintain the products within a specific temperature range.

Indeed, 9% of the total food production is yearly lost due to the bad management of the cold chain during transportation, which causes annual losses of 6,300 M€. For the pharma sector, broken cold chain issues result in 20% losses of temperature-sensitive products at global scale, resulting in yearly losses of 35,000 M€.

The commercial-solutions available for the monitoring of the cold chain range from simple indicators that indicate through changes in colour if the product has been exposed to too much heat and should be discarded, to a wide spectrum of temperature data loggers with or without network connectivity.

These solutions are focused on ensuring compliance at the end of the cold chain, but they do not provide data on real-time during transport, nor provide digested data to help stakeholders to avoid future breaks.

COOL-SENS has been developed to solve these limitations and protect shipments of temperature sensitive-products on real-time. By offering personalised full service on a pay-per-use model, and by leveraging the power of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technology, COOL-SENS provides a personalised end-to-end trace and tracking service and guarantees full transparency along the cold chain.

Project Details

  • Call: H2020-SMEInst-2018-2020-1
  • Phase: Phase I
  • Grant Agreement: 855554
  • Company: Anserlog S.A.
  • Starting date: March 2019
  • Duration: 5 months
  • Link: Cordis