Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry
Project Description
FRESHTRAY presents a cost-effective solution to significantly diminish Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (FF&V) discards in Europe. FRESHTRAY is a multi-active cardboard packaging to extend the shelf-life of fresh FF&V by +40%. It consists on the application of a patented multi-active coating – made of natural substances – over the inner surface of the cardboard. This coating has proved antimicrobial, antioxidant and ethylene scavenger functions over the F&V contained in the packaging. We have successfully tested the solution in tomato and pepper.
Besides its effectiveness and price, there are two key additional advantages of the solution: easy implementation by users and versatility of the solution that can be adapted to any FF&V company need.
F&V companies will be willing to adopt FRESHTRAY, since it will provide them more flexibility and bargaining power, increase their competitiveness against regular products and reduce losses on around 50% along the supply chain.
In this Phase I, the project will entail the preparation of a feasibility study of FRESHTRAY. This has been later completed with a Phase II, dedicated to the industrial scaling-up of FRESHTRAY.
Project Details
- Call: H2020-SMEINST-1-2016-2017
- Phase: Phase I
- Grant Agreement: 762330
- Company: Spanish Company of Corrugated Carboard – SAECO
- Starting date: February 2017
- Duration: 5 months
- Link: Cordis