High performance multiphase anaerobic reactor for agroindustrial wastewater treatment
Project Description
The LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs project aims to design and industrialise a high performance multiphase anaerobic reactor that generates methane-rich biogas, tailormade for treating wastewater generated in Food and Drink (F&D) Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
The Multi-AD device will be manufactured on-demand, ad-hoc for each industry wastewater treatment needs, with a capacity range between 25 and 500 m3. It will work continuous-wise, being able to treat all its volume in less than 20 hours. It will cut down by 90% the wastewater’s COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and generate abundant biogas (0.42 m3/kg COD removed). This self-generated renewable energy will be at least 80% methane-rich (1.55 kWh/kg COD removed) and will be used partially (50%) for operating the digester, and partially (50% surplus) for other operations -boiling, heating…- in the industry.
For an industry treating 100 m3/day, Multi-AD will mean energy savings of 235,000 kWh/y (compared to their current digesters: aerobic). The reduction in energy needs represents 11% less CO2 emissions.
Project Details
- Programme: LIFE Programme 2017
- Topic: Environment & Resource Efficiency
- Reference number: LIFE17 ENV/ES/000331
- Starting date: September 2018
- Duration: 42 months
- Link: LIFE