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About the Author: Innovarum

Content produced by the Innovarum Team with inputs from different team members.

With the kick-off meeting held from 16th to 17th December 2019 in Hamburg, the project BIOFRUITNET has been officially launched. Focusing on organic pome, stone and citrus fruits, this projects aims to strengthen the competitiveness of European organic fruit production by:

  1. Collecting and synthesizing existing practical and scientific knowledge on organic fruit-growing to distribute it widely among the EU countries through easy formats like e-learning, podcasts, videos and short articles.
  2. Strengthening the established networks in organic fruit growing and establish links between them to create strong networks of organic fruit producers and stakeholders with a good flow of information.

The project is coordinated by the International farmers association Naturland and carried out in collaboration with 15 partner organisations from different countries in Europe. They will work together for 3 years to provide information to the farmers in a practical way to tackle the challenges of pests and diseases in fruit crops.

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