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About the Author: Innovarum

Content produced by the Innovarum Team with inputs from different team members.

Coinciding with the beginning of the second year of the Pro-Enrich project, on May 23rd and 24th the team got together in Germany to hold the project’s biannual General Assembly.

The meeting was organised by project partner Tate & Lyle on their Food Systems Global Innovation Centre in Lübeck, Germany, and was an opportunity to bring together all the Pro-Enrich consortium partners and discuss the development and work carried out during the project’s first year.

The Pro-Enrich project aims to develop a flexible biorefinery approachable to process a range of agricultural residues from rapeseed meal, olives, tomatoes and citrus fruit industries in order to help fulfil the growing global demand for alternative sources of protein and phenolic product streams.

On the General Assembly’s first day, the partners visited the Global Innovation Centre, which included four large state-of-the-art pilot plants with dedicated areas for dairy, convenience, bakery and meat preparation. After the visit, the group had a tasting which included a variety of vegan products developed at Tate & Lyle.

The rest of the two-day meeting was dedicated to discussing the progress made during the first year of the project. This included presentations by Work Packages’ leaders and as well as the meeting of the project’s steering committee. During these sessions, minor implementation problems were found but solved thanks to the collaboration of the rest of the partners. Overall, the meeting showed that the project is going as planned, on time and that the first results are promising.

For more information on Pro-Enrich, you can visit the project’s website .

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