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About the Author: Innovarum

Content produced by the Innovarum Team with inputs from different team members.

The VALUEWASTE project started on November 1st. The project, focused on circular economy through the revalorisation of urban bio-waste, is coordinated by CETENMA – Technology Centre for Energy and Environment, gathers 17 partners from 6 different countries across Europe, and will have a budget of over 10 million €.

The VALUEWASTE project, whose proposal was written by Innovarum, has been granted funding by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 programme, under the “Societal Challenge 2” and the call Sustainable Food Security, in the topic CE-SFS-25-2018 “Integrated system innovation in valorising urban biowaste”.

VALUEWASTE proposes an integrated approach in urban biowaste upcycling for the production of high-value bio-based products, developing the first complete solution to fully valorise biowaste that can be replicated across Europe. The project will implement three new value chains that will use urban biowaste as raw material for its valorisation into high-value end products in a cascading process, generating economic, social and environmental benefits: food & feed protein sand, other ingredients, and bio-based fertiliser.

The VALUEWASTE pilot experience will take place in two European cities: Murcia (Spain) and Kalundborg (Denmark) with the purpose of finding a solution technical and socially adapted to the different socio-economic contexts exiting across Europe.

Social initiatives will be carried out to increase consumer awareness and acceptance of urban biowaste-derived products. End-user products applications and new market opportunities will be demonstrated. The outcomes of the project will contribute to new standardisation and will be useful information for EU policymakers in terms of waste management and in the adoption of new policies.

In Innovarum we are committed to the success of the VALUEWASTE project. We will support the coordinator in their role of project management and we will be in charge of the project’s Dissemination and Communication activities.

Project data

  • Acronym: VALUEWASTE
  • Project title: Unlocking new VALUE from urban bioWASTE
  • Call: H2020-SFS-25-2018 – Innovation action
  • Project Coordinator: CETENMA – Technology Center for Energy and Environment (ES)
  • 17 partners
  • Duration: 4 years.
  • Budget: over 10 Million €

and partners will gather for their first project meeting – the kick-off-meeting – on November 21st and 22nd. Good luck!

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