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About the Author: África Pardavila

Communications Manager - Africa owns a degree in Translation and Culture studies with a Chinese Mayor by Autonomous University of Madrid (ES), an MBA by ICEX-CECO and UIMP (ES) and a Master in Digital Marketing by Complutense University in Madrid (UCM). She also took business and language courses at Peking University (China) and worked in the Agri-food Promotion Department of the Commercial and Economic Office of the Embassy of Spain in Beijing (China). Throughout her educational and professional international experience, she’s built up a great passion for content creation, business development, digital marketing and creative processes.

The bioeconomy is gaining momentum in the European Union (EU). In 2023, the EU will host a series of events that will highlight the latest developments in the bioeconomy, including advancements in biotechnology, renewable energy, and agriculture.

Here are some of the top events in the bioeconomy that will take place in the EU in 2023:

World Bio Markets (May 10-11, 2023)

World Bio Markets returns to The Netherlands (The Hague) in 2023 with new opportunities for participation. World Bio Markets is a leading global event that brings together key stakeholders in the bio-based economy to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry. In more detail, the focus lays on sustainable and innovative bio-based solutions: World Bio Markets covers a wide range of topics, from bio-based chemicals and materials to renewable energy and biotechnology.

EUBCE 2023 (05-08 June, 2023)

EUBCE will run this year its 31st edition with options to participate online and in person (Bolognia, Italy). EUBCE 2023 is a leading international event that focuses on the latest innovations and advancements in the field of biomass and bioenergy. The conference provides a platform for industry experts, researchers, and stakeholders from around the world to share their knowledge and experiences, and explore new business opportunities. Regarding content, the conference features keynote speeches, workshops, and exhibitions that cover a broad range of topics such as biomass conversion technologies, biofuels, biorefineries, and sustainable biomass supply chains.

EUBCE has an area dedicated for the promotion and visibility of EU funded Projects: EU projects at EUBCE.

Plant-Based Summit (13,15 June 2023)

The Plant Based Summit will be held in 2023 in Lille, France. The summit will feature keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities. It will provide attendees with a wealth of knowledge and insights into the latest trends and developments in the plant-based, bioeconomy and biobased chemistry markets.

International Conference on Bio-based Materials (June 21-23, 2023)

The International Conference on Bio-based Materials is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the latest updates in sustainable materials. An event where to explore the use of renewable materials in various sectors, including packaging, textiles, and construction.

In 2023, the conference will take place in Viena, Austria.

EU Green Week 2023 (End of May, begining of June, 2023)

The EU Green Week is an annual event organized by the European Commission to promote sustainable policies and practices. The main conference of the week will happen on the 6 – 7 of June in Brussels, Belgium. There, policymakers, leading environmentalists, and stakeholders from Europe and beyond will debate on European environmental policy. In general, it is a great opportunity to discuss and learn on topics close to the bioeconomy.

The EU Green Week hosts annually a series of parallel “EU Parter Events”. This year, the topic for these events will be “Skills for sustainable, resilient, and socially fair communities.”

European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (October 24-25, 2023)

The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (EFIB) is an annual event that brings together industry experts, policymakers, and investors to discuss the latest trends and innovations in industrial biotechnology. The 2023 forum will focus on the role of biotechnology in achieving a sustainable and resilent global Europe.

The event will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (28-29 September, 2023)

The International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (IFIB) 2023 is an upcoming event that promises to bring together industry experts, researchers, and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the latest innovations in the bioeconomy. The event will provide a platform for attendees to network, exchange knowledge, and explore new business opportunities. Content wise, this event will cover a wide range of topics such as bioplastics, bio-based chemicals, biorefinery, bioenergy, and much more.

IFIB 2023 will take place in person in Florence, Italy.

CBE JU Stakeholder Forum 2023

Circular Bio-Based Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is organising its first Stakeholder Forum since the launching of the organisation last year (previously, the CBE JU was known as the BBI JU, or Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking). This first CBE JU Stakeholder Forum will take place on 6-7 December 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

In conclusion, the EU will host several important events in the bioeconomy in 2023. These events will provide an excellent opportunity for industry professionals, policymakers, and researchers to come together to discuss the latest developments in the field. Whether you are a researcher, an industry professional, or simply interested in the bioeconomy, there is an event in 2023 that is right for you.

This article has been prepared by Africa Pardavila, Communications Manager at Innovarum

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